
BeniComp Advantage Awarded Platinum Level Fit Friendly Worksite

FORT WAYNE, IN – BeniComp Advantage, a subsidiary of BeniComp Health Solutions, has been recognized as a Platinum-Level Fit-Friendly Worksite by the American Heart Association (AHA) for promoting a wellness culture by providing support to employees and implementing numerous healthy cultural changes that increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, decrease turnover, improve employee satisfaction and lower healthcare costs.

In the state of Indiana, 68 worksites have received recognition so far this year. Of those, 56 were awarded Gold-Level, 12 were awarded Platinum-Level.

Requirements for Platinum-Level Employers:

  • Offer employees physical activity options in the workplace.
  • Promote a wellness culture in the workplace.
  • Implement at least nine criteria outlined by the AHA in the areas of physical activity, nutrition, and culture.
  • Demonstrate at lease one behavior change, one cost savings, or have achieved a positive return on
  • investment (as documented by supporting data) listed in the application form.

To be awarded the Platinum-Level award, BeniComp successfully increased the participation in their annual biometric screening from 2013 to 2014, as well as demonstrated a downward trend in their aggregate BMI percentages both of which demonstrated platinum level criteria to earn this distinction. In addition to demonstrating measureable results, BeniComp also implemented cultural changes, such as the elimination of soft drinks from their beverage options and providing healthier food at company events.

“The Fit-Friendly Worksite Program offers easy-to-implement ways for organizations to help employees eat better and move more, which will help improve their health – and their employer’s bottom line,” said Julie Short, health and wellness executive with BeniComp Advantage. “Even people who haven’t exercised regularly until middle age can reap significant benefits by starting a walking program.” A study published in 1986 in the New England Journal of Medicine found that some adults might gain two hours of life expectancy for every hour of regular, vigorous exercise they performed.

For more information about BeniComp and their initiatives in corporate wellness, visit www.benicomp.com/about/news

For more information about the Fit-Friendly Worksite program, visit www.heart.org/worksitewellness